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Monday, 3 January 2022

1st & 2nd Jan – Starting all over again!

Assistant Warden Stuart Cossey welcomes in 2022 and starts off the Lundy year list.

1st January

An uncharacteristically mild and sunny day with strong winds from the west.

There was a strong start to the year with the White-fronted Goose and Pink-footed Goose still present (although they had moved to Ackland’s Moor). A Merlin was seen over Tillage Field and the Cormorant was still by Rocket Pole Pond. 
A Meadow Pipit barely visible in thick vegetation near Threequarter Wall, 1 Jan © Stuart Cossey
The Whitefront and Pinkfoot on what may prove to be their last day on the island © Stuart Cossey
A seawatch from the Ugly produced 700 Kittiwakes and 55 Gannets. A Guillemot, two Shags and two Great Northern Divers were in the Landing Bay. The day ended with a total of 36 bird species recorded.

2nd January

The strong westerlies continued with a few rain showers throughout the day.

Another mild day with little migration to note. A small flock of Redwings continue to roost in the pines to the south of Millcombe. A total of four Goldcrests were seen, two in Millcombe and two at Quarter Wall Copse. 

It appears the long staying White-fronted Goose and Pink-footed Goose have finally left, with no sign today.

Two Lesser Black-backed Gulls were seen with 26 Herring Gulls in Barton Field. A Common Gull was seen loafing off the East Side with a flock of 150 Kittiwakes. Also out at sea were 20 Razorbills and 40 Guillemots. A single Great Northern Diver was in the Landing Bay.

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