From the 16th April
Tim Jones has sent the following records - Tim Jones and Tim Davis on the island for four days. On the 16th Tim reports seeing a breeding plumaged Long-tailed Skua fly past him up through Millcombe, over Government House, past Barton Cottages and then towards Tillage field. Tim also reports many Wheatears and a trickle of hirundines. Also a Common Sandpiper in the Landing Bay. Off the East Side he saw 12 Arctic Terns.
The Long-tailed Skua was also seen later by Tony and Johnny Taylor in Middle Park.
The next day six Arctic Terns still off the East Side and some 150 Kittiwakes with 130 Razorbills. At least one Tree Pipit in St Helen's Copse and a pair of Teal at Pondsbury. No sign of the Long-tailed Skua though.
For pictures of the Long-tailed Skua see this link
A few more details on the skua - possibly one of the least likely birds to be seen flying low through Millcombe! Unbeknown to me, it had been seen (and videoed!) minutes previously by visitors staying at Brambles. It was perched on the side of The Ugly, then flew off up Millcombe, when I saw it go past me at 16.30. It appeared to have difficulty gaining height and there was some slightly matted plumage under its left wing. Jonny Taylor, also without knowing the bird was around, found it sitting on grassland in Middle Park, just north of Halfway Wall. He alerted his Dad, Tony, and took an excellent series of photos. They confirmed that it appeared to have an injury to its left wing, near the body. Nevertheless, it could not be refound at 19.00 that same evening.