Strong southwesterly winds to start the week including force 10 winds from the west on 12th with rain showers. Moderate easterly winds on 14th rain in the morning. Moderate north on 15th switched to a moderate southerly on 16th.
Six Teal on 11th was the highest count of the week. Two
Racing Pigeon flew over the Village on 15th. Eight Woodpigeon have been seen
around Millcombe all week with a high count of eight on 10th. A Water Rail was
heard by Pondsbury on 11th. A Jack Snipe was seen on 10th. A Redshank downed
during the storm on 12th was seen up to 16th. A Whimbrel and Ringed Plover were
seen on 16th.
Redshank in 60mph+ winds, South West Field © Stuart Cossey |
Redshank in calmer conditions, High Street Field © Stuart Cossey |
A Sandwich Tern was in the Landing Bay on the afternoon of
12th. The Great Northern Diver is still present, being seen on 12th and 16th.
700+ Manx Shearwater were counted rafting off the East Coast on 10th.
A male and female Sparrowhawk were seen on 10th and again on
14th. The female was seen the rest of the week with just a male on 16th. The
pair of Kestrel have also been seen all week and appear to be setting up a
territory along the East Coast. The female Merlin is still on the island doing
well feeding on the migrating passerines.
After being held up by the strong southwesterly winds, hirundines
passage boomed on the 14th to 16th. 584 Swallow were counted on 14th with 1300
on 15th and 1000 on 16th. Sand Martin and House Martin numbers were lower,
peaking on 15th at 44 and 100 respectively.
The calmer weather on 15th and 16th also increased the
number of other migrants. 40 Willow Warbler were counted on 15th and 100 on
16th. Blackcap numbers were also high with 25 on 15th and 84 on 16th. The 16th
also saw the first Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat of the year ringed in
Millcombe. The first Grasshopper Warbler of the year was a brave individual
singing by Pointless Wall during the storm on 12th. A male Firecrest was ringed
on 16th.
A male Ring Ouzel was seen along the East Side on 11th. A male Redstart was by the Water Tanks on 10th and a female was seen on 16th. The full island count of Wheatear on 16th was estimated at 120. The first Pied Flycatcher of the year was a male by Gannet’s Combe on 16th. There were three Yellow Wagtail on the 16th including a male Blue-headed Wagtail in Barton Field. A White Wagtail was seen on 15th. Single Tree Pipit were heard on 10th, 11th and 14th with two on 15th.
Male Ring Ouzel, East Side © Stuart Cossey |
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Male Redstart, Water Tanks © Luke Marriner |
A female Bullfinch was seen in Millcombe on 12th. A Siskin was heard on 14th. Linnet were noticeably moving with 124 Linnet counted on 15th and 140 on 16th. A flock of 26 Goldfinch were seen around the Village on 16th.
In non-avian news, the first Painted Lady butterflies have
been seen. In the moth trap were two very early Marbled Coronets and an overwintering
Brindled Ochre which usually flies in September and October.
Contributors: Stuart Cossey, Luke Marriner, Rosie Ellis, Tony
& Ann Taylor, Chris Dee, Rackie Powell, Rueben Veal, Harry Hiscox, Will
Pearce, Jake Belton, Ellie Holley, Danielle Austin, Henry Pagem Owen Davies,
Sian Davies, Beth Newark, Iona Cunningham-Eurich, Stephan Cheung, Nathan
Williams, Alex Liddle
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