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Monday 7 November 2016

Pallid Swift & Pallas's Warbler photos from 25 & 27 Oct

Thanks to Simon Slade for sending through his photos of the Pallid Swift, which entertained birdwatchers for half-an-hour or so on 25th October, and the Pallas's Warblers seen on 25th and 27th. With regard to the Pallas's Warbler seen on 25th, Simon says: "The light and shadow makes a big difference to how the bird looks but it seems to me that there are enough differences to indicate that it was a different bird to the one shown in the in-hand image."

Of the Pallid Swift, Simon says: "It was hard to photograph but the image shows the key features of primary contrast and wing shape and you can just about make out the pale throat and breast pattern."

Unless a currently pending record of Pallid Swift at Hope's Nose on 17th November 2010 is accepted, the Lundy bird, if accepted, will be a first for both Devon and Lundy.

 Pallas's Warbler, Lundy, 25th October 2016

 Pallas's Warbler, Lundy, 25th October 2016

 Pallas's Warbler, Lundy, 27th October 2016

 Pallid Swift, Lundy, 25th October 2016

All photos © Simon Slade

1 comment:

  1. Great to see some photos of the Lundy Pallid Swift. This one has to make it as the long overdue first for Devon. I hope there is enough features shown and perhaps other photos too. Sadly I think the days of the observed and unphotographed tricky species like Pallid Swift being accepted have gone. Ironically after a Pallid Swift was seen well in Cornwall the observer retracted the sighting after looking at photos and talking to a couple of other locals, after circulating the photos further the bird was unanimously considered to be Pallid Swift!
